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Welcome To The Pine Street



Celebration . Education. Preservation

Kingston, NY

Lineage to Legacy

Capital Campaign For Progress

The Harambee Capital Campaign is in full effect towards the implementation of the Youth Design Team's concept of a Ancestorial Memorial site at 157 Pine Street African Burial Ground. 

Preservation and Stewardship

We believe that all human remains must be treated with dignity and respect. We are committed to the appropriate care, shared stewardship, research including cultural and educational programs

Tours and Learning Experiences

Join us at the Pine African Burial Ground and Museum for tours, demonstrations, lectures, and more. "Immersive cultural education leads to understanding our commonality"  Email us to organize an seasonal educational group tour.

Cultural Sensitivity and Mindfulness

Through our programs, events and community engagement projects, Harambee Kingston provides the best opportunity for cultural awareness, sensitivity and celebration. We are interested in partnerships and collaboration for school programs and training.

History of the Pine Street African Burial Ground 1750-Present

The Pine Street African Burial Ground has a long history in the City of Kingston, NY. The African Burial site was discover and then recovered by Harambee Kingston NY, Inc. in 2021 with the help of the Kingston Land Trust and the local community.

To know our past is to understand the present and prepare for the future.

Immersive cultural education leads to understanding our commonality.

This new policy is a cultural shift in our concepts of possession, ownership, and stewardship of collections. Its adoption is an expression of our values and commitment to meet our ethical obligations as a national and international cultural institution.
- Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III (Smithsonian Institute)

Harambee Kingston NY, Inc.  is a 501c3 not for profit organization located in Kingston, NY.  Home of the Pine Street African Burial Ground

The Historic Pine Street African Burial Ground

Capital Campaign 2024 - 2026

Your Financial Support Is Needed For Valuable Legacy

Harambee Kingston NY, Inc. "Harambee" is launching a capital campaign aimed at raising funds for the preservation and enhancement of the Pine St African Burial Ground (PSABG), which holds a special place in our community’s history and hearts serving as a final resting place for many generations of ancestors. 

Harambee Kingston NY Team is calling for community members, business, funders and philanthropists to show their commitment to preserving this invaluable part of Kingston's history for generations to come.

The PSABG Capital Campaign funds will support critical initiatives such as implementation of sustainable landscaping, open community gathering space for reflection. And the development of educational programs to raise awareness about the historical significance of Pine St African Burial Ground.

Funds raised from this campaign will ensure the continued existence and vitality of Pine St African Burial ground as a place of remembrance, reverence, and reflection.

Financial Support For Youth Design Implementation

  • Implement Youth Design for the Memorial Gathering Space

  • Retaining local Architect, Consultants and professional contractors

  • Brick and mortar building supplies, equipment and landscaping

  • Memorial Engraved Headstones

  • Accessibility Ramp

  • Insurances, permits and licenses

  • Youth and Community Engagement Programs and Activities

Project Timeline


Securing Capital, Architect, Developing Building Blueprints, Building Community Partnerships


Construction to begin early Spring 2025 at 157 Pine Street

2026 / 2027

The Pine Street African Burial Ground Memorial site to be completed

Estimated Project Budget $500,000.00

Thank You For Showing Your Support

Here Are Your Options To Make

Your Generous Contribution

Donate By Donor Box PayPal

- or -

Check Payable To:

Harambee Kingston NY, Inc.

157 Pine Street, Kingston, NY 12402

Youth Design Team Concept

Gateway Garden Entrance

Pine Street African Burial Ground

Youth & Community Engagement

Local Business Partnerships


Preserve Our Heritage

Your donation safeguards the Pine Street African Burial Ground, preserving the powerful stories of enslaved Africans who shaped our community.

Educate Through History

Support education initiatives that inspire future generations to understand and learn from the struggles and triumphs of the past.

Reconnect Families

Contribute to reuniting living descendants with their ancestral roots and fostering a sense of identity and belonging.

Respect and Restorative Justice

By preserving this sacred ground, we declare our commitment to honoring the past and building a future based on respect and equality.

Make History Together

Be part of a transformative journey, leaving a lasting impact on how we remember and understand our shared heritage.

Your Donation Matters

Every contribution directly shapes the preservation, research, and education efforts of the Pine Street African Burial Ground. Join us in making a difference today.

Harambee Kingston Ny, Inc. is a 501c3 non profit community organization. Donations are tax deductible.

Connect With Harambee Today . Share Your Thoughts With Us

Contact Us

Important Reasons Why We Must Protect And Preserve The Historic Pine Street African Burial Ground In Kingston, NY

Honoring African and African American Cultural Heritage

The Pine Street African Burial Ground holds the sacred remains of enslaved Africans who played a significant role in shaping the local history and culture of Kingston, NY. Preserving this site ensures that their contributions are recognized, honored, and respected, allowing current and future generations to connect with their roots and cultural heritage.

Educational Significance

The PSABG provides a tangible link to the past, offering an invaluable educational resource for students, researchers, and visitors. By preserving the site, we create an opportunity to educate the public about the history of slavery, African American contributions, and the struggles faced by enslaved individuals. This serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of social justice and equality.

Community Healing and Reconciliation

The preservation of the Pine Street African Burial Ground contributes to healing and reconciliation within the community. Acknowledging the past injustices and honoring the lives of those who were marginalized fosters a sense of unity and understanding among diverse community members. It also provides a platform for open dialogue about racial equity and social change

Living Connections and Descendant Reconnection

Preservation efforts can lead to the identification and reconnection of living descendants of those buried at the site. This fosters a sense of identity and belonging, allowing families to connect with their ancestral roots. The site becomes a focal point for family reunions, shared narratives, and a deeper understanding of one's heritage.

Historical Authenticity and Documentation

The Pine Street African Burial Ground is a tangible piece of history that offers a genuine look into the lives of enslaved Africans in Kingston during a pivotal era. Preserving the site ensures that this historical authenticity is maintained for future generations. Archaeological findings, gravestones, and artifacts provide valuable insights into daily life, burial practices, and the resilience of enslaved individuals.

 Stories Are Alive In The Bones

Using science to recover the stories of Ancestral and the living lineage

DNA testing and facial reconstruction of the remains from the Pine Street African Burial Ground hold immense value and importance in shedding light on the lives, identities, and experiences of the individuals who were interred there. Here's why these techniques are significant:

Reconnecting with Ancestry

DNA testing allows us to trace genetic ancestry, potentially reuniting living descendants with their ancestors who were buried at the Pine Street African Burial Ground. This connection provides a profound sense of identity, belonging, and validation for families whose heritage was previously obscured by history.

Humanizing the Past

Facial reconstruction transforms skeletal remains into realistic visual representations of the individuals' appearances. This humanizes the past, transforming names and dates into relatable faces. By putting faces to history, we create empathy and understanding, making the past more tangible and relatable to present-day audiences.

Preserving Cultural Heritage

DNA testing and facial reconstruction honor the cultural heritage of the individuals buried at the site. It emphasizes that these were real people with unique stories, experiences, and connections. This recognition helps preserve the cultural memory of a community that has often been marginalized in historical narratives.

Educational Opportunities:

These techniques provide educational opportunities for schools, museums, and the broader community. Visual representations and genetic information can engage learners of all ages in discussions about ancestry, history, and the diverse contributions of African Americans to local and national heritage.

Advancing Research and Knowledge

DNA testing and facial reconstruction contribute to scientific understanding of historical populations. Genetic data can reveal insights into migration patterns, health conditions, and genetic diversity of the community. This information can be used to advance historical and anthropological research.

Raising Awareness

The application of DNA testing and facial reconstruction generates attention and awareness around historical sites like the Pine Street African Burial Ground. It draws public interest and support for preservation efforts, ensuring that the stories of these individuals are not forgotten.

Empowering Descendants

For descendants of those buried at the site, DNA testing and facial reconstruction can be empowering. It validates family stories, fills gaps in ancestral knowledge, and fosters a sense of pride in their heritage.

Justice and Reparations

Applying modern scientific techniques to the remains acknowledges the lives and dignity of the individuals who were once marginalized. It aligns with a commitment to justice and acknowledgment of past injustices, contributing to broader conversations about equality and social change.

In summary, DNA testing and facial reconstruction are invaluable tools that breathe life into history, fostering connections, empathy, education, and understanding. They amplify the voices and experiences of those who were silenced by history and offer a tangible way to honor and preserve the legacy of the Pine Street African Burial Ground.

Would You Like To Participate In DNA Testing?   Email us so we can contact you when we are ready

Donations and your support no matter how small, contributes to the collective effort of preserving and developing the historic Pine Street African Burial Ground and Museum.

Your involvement can make a meaningful impact on the site's restoration, education, and cultural significance. ASE!

Please consider Donating to Harambee Kingston Your Gift is Appreciated

Click the Donate Button or send a check, please make payable to "Harambee Kingston NY, Inc.

Mail to:
Harambee Kingston New York
157 Pine Street
Kingston, NY 12401

Make a one - time Donation or re-accursing Donation via Harambee Kingston - PayPal.

Here's How You Can Be A Part Of

Building A Living Legacy At The PSABG

Your gift to the PSABG supports  research, the creation of world-class exhibitions, and award-winning educational programs for everyone.  We are the largest African Burial Ground in the Mid-Hudson Valley, NY  and we rely on people like you to help us continue to lead the way in understanding our African Ancestors and our African American cultures.

Together we can make an sustainable impact

Donate and Sponsor

  • Visit the official campaign website to make a donation online.
  • Choose a donation amount that fits your budget and commitment level.
  • Explore options for one-time donations or monthly contributions.


  • Reach out to the campaign organizers to express your interest in volunteering.
  • Participate in community workdays for site maintenance, clean-up, and landscaping.
  • Engage in events and workshops that require volunteer assistance.

Offer In-kind Professional Services

  • If you possess skills such as archaeology, conservation, or historical research, offer your expertise to the project.
  • Collaborate with campaign organizers to identify areas where your skills can contribute effectively.

Community Partnerships

  • If you represent a local business or organization, explore potential partnerships with the campaign.
  • Discuss opportunities for joint events, fundraisers, or awareness campaigns that mutually benefit both parties.

Spread Awareness and Engage

  • Share campaign updates and information on social media platforms to raise awareness.
  • Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to get involved by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word.
  • Attend community meetings and workshops to stay informed and actively participate in discussions about the project.

Donations and your support no matter how small, contributes to the collective effort of preserving and developing the historic Pine Street African Burial Ground and Museum.

Your involvement can make a meaningful impact on the site's restoration, education, and cultural significance. ASE!

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